domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Mythology (I)

Poseidon: The god of the sea:
Poseidon was the son of Chronus and Rhea, brother to Zeus, Hades, Hera, Hestia and Demeter. When Zeus overthrew his father Chronus and assumed power the siblings divided the world among themselves.
Poseidon became the ruler of the seas and all waters. Since water is essential to agriculture many of his myths are related to Demeter. Although older in age than Zeus he never claimed power and always respected his wishes.
He resides in a Golden Kingdom in the bottom of the ocean in the city of “Aiges”. The whereabouts of this city are unknown. Despite spending most of his time underwater Poseidon often ascended to mount Olympus to participate the summits of the Olympian Gods. His consort was Amphitrite with whom he had two children, Triton and Rhodos. He did however had many more children with other consorts, among them famous Theseus and the winged horses Pegasus and Arion. 

He was the ruler of the sea but also the master of all natural phenomena related to it. He controlled storms and winds and with his trident could ignite explosions and earthquakes, sometimes even create islands. Poseidon was also the protector of fishermen, bringer of good wind and calm sea. Because of his children Pegasus and Arion, Poseidon was also attributed to be the patron of horses and horse-racing. His symbols are the Trident, Fish, Dolphin, Horse and Bull.

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