domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012


Lakes of greece

Dojran Lake is a lake with an area of 43.1 km² shared between the Republic of Macedonia (27.3 km²) and West Macedonia within Greek MacedoniaGreece (15.8 km²). To the west is the city of Nov Dojran , to the east the village of Mouries, to the north the mountain Belasica/Beles and to the south the Greek town of Doirani. The lake has a rounded shape, a maximum depth of 10 m and a north-to-south length of 8.9 km and is 7.1 km at its widest, making it the third largest lake partially in the Republic of Macedonia after Lake Ohrid and Lake Prespa 

Lake Kerkini, in Greece, is an artificial reservoir that was created in 1932, and then redeveloped in 1980, on the site of what was previously an extremely extensive marshland.

Prespa lake is the name of two freshwater lakes in southeast Europe, shared by Albania, Greece, and the Republic of Macedonia. 

Lake Copais, Kopais, or Kopaida used to be in the centre of Boeotia, Greece, west of Thebes until the late 19th century. The area where it was located, though now a plain, is still known as Kopaida. While it still existed, the towns of Aliartos , Orchomenus, and Chaeronea were on its shores. Rivers running into the lake included the Cephissus, the Termessus, and the Triton. The lake was (and is) surrounded by fertile land, but the lake increasingly encroached on the surrounding land because of inadequate drainage. In response to this, in 1867–1887 Scots and French engineers reclaimed the land for the British company Lake Copais Ltd., by building channels to drain water from the lake to the Cephissus and from there to Lake Iliki. In total about 200 km² were reclaimed. This land was returned to the Greek government in 1952.

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