lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012


Ancient greece clothing:

The clothing in ancient Greece consisted of two parts:The lower, the chiton, was a tunic, usually, sleeveless knee-and cinched at the waist.The higher the himation, was a kind of rectangular blanket was put over his left shoulder and was collected from the opposite side, leaving ordinarily free arm movements of this part, and when he traveled or war changed by the himation chlamys, rectangular layer on three sides and somewhat circular surrounding the neck, shorter than the cloak and fastened with brooch on the right shoulder.The tunic or chiton underwent many changes one of which is the exomis, own workers or slaves bared his right shoulder with the arm. Also, the long tunic, own nobles, philosophers and women and the diploid or double chiton, made up of a very long tunic that redoubled towards the waist.These pieces were made of linen, wool or front byssus and silk and adorned with stripes like a gallon and other embroidery, always with sobriety and good taste, with a preference for white and green colors.Greeks used to go bareheaded when necessary but keep it safe from the weather, wearing the pileus, cap semiovoideo skin or a turban turban oriental or petaso was a felt hat and wings. For footwear (which ordinarily not used indoors) made use of the crépida, kind of sandal or carbatina covers similar to the mountain villages, or the buskin, like a buskin which served especially for actors in the tragedy, then giving a great height very thick wooden soles. Greek women wore long robes sometimes as diploid and on it, the himation or peplos, the latter piece, wide and rectangular, sometimes took as a belted tunic and others like mantle, always regarded as the tunica top of Minerva. They covered their heads with a veil called calyptra, when not wearing the mantle so to come down from her

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