domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

Greece economy

Commons Wikimedia: Pueblo griego

Greece is a rich country with high human development index (0.947) but within the European Union countries have a more low, so it did not enter the eurozone in 1999 if not in 2002. Greece's economic growth was truncated during a long, hard postwar civil war and dictatorship.Traditionally, agriculture has been one of the main sectors of Greece, more than the population occupying the contribution to the economy. Agriculture accounts for 3% of GDP and is home to 12% of the workforce, industry 20% of GDP and 22% of workers, and services for 77% of GDP and 66% of the workforce.Agriculture has undergone a profound conversion from small farms and little production for the market to competitive agriculture in Europe with medium-sized farms and the benefits of the green revolution. However, this sector is conditioned by an unfavorable physical environment due to the mountainous nature of much of the country. The most productive regions in the north, Macedonia and Thessaly. The main crops wheat and corn, which account for almost half of the production, and industrial crops such as snuff, cotton and sugar beet, and the Mediterranean polyculture of fruits and vegetables along with olives and vines, present in the Peloponnese. This feeds an important agricultural industry, which is outside the production region around Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki and Volos.For the mountainous nature of the country's forestry is more important than in most European countries, and livestock has good and abundant grass. The 40% of the territory is grassland. Predominantly sheep and goats, more adapted to the Mediterranean grass, but also cattle, specializing in milk, swine and avian modern.Despite the distinctly Greek marine fisheries is reduced to a nearby fishing grounds and traditional arts.Mining is scarce, although varied: lignite, bauxite, iron, magnesium, marble, some oil, salt, chromium, silver, zinc, gold and lead. Just can feed the needs of the country's industry.

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